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Sun Transit Foundation Inc
Your Health Is Important To Us
No health insurance or job?
Welcome to free doctor visit, our nonprofit community site for individuals without jobs or health insurance. When you must see a doctor or dentist and is not health insurance or financially prepared. We will be there for you for the initial and up to 3 doctor visits and 1 dental appointment.
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Sun Transit Foundation Inc franchise works with local communities as a catalyst for positive changes that will improve the health of the communities we serve. With a focus on Pandemic healthcare-related issues, we create a healthy community by developing and implementing new technology tools and scientific strategies to create a platform for disaster communication and healthcare service innovation. When applied our tools and strategies reduces the economic burden of Pandemic healthcare-related issues through the delivery of innovative health education, clinical products development services, and healthcare services. Health care to our community is of utmost importance as it relates to physical, and mental health. We seek to provide and facilitate access to objective, accurate, and non-judgmental information about plants, chemicals, technologies, and related issues that affect the mind, body, and our society. Diseases and disorders affect our community and we seek and provide information about cures for particular diseases and disorders and promote particular medical disciplines by providing direct services, advocating for public understanding and support, and supporting targeted medical research. The coronavirus pandemic has created a new health care issue for the community, with post coronavirus infection reactions that are only in the beginning phase of understanding. We’ve created an avenue for this area of health care service. Both in understanding post coronavirus infection response and the related healthcare strategies surrounding it. We provide research in this area to anticipate future health care development issues surrounding post coronavirus infection health response.
We are currently a leading source for providing communication channels for disaster response, education, and mitigation to the public.
Non-Profit Free Doctor Visit Franchise Is Now Available
What You Get With Our Franchise:
4 Page Prebuilt DIY Website
CRM for prospect collection
Technical Support
Franchise License
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Franchise Contact Form
Thanks for your interest in our free doctor visit nonprofit Franchise. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
Po Box 190177, Fort Lauderdale FL 33319
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